ADHD World Federation - Modernising the concept of ADHD
Format Descriptions

Format descriptions | A - Z

Educational Seminars

Duration: 60 min.
Educational Seminars are designed to be informal and interactive and provide up-to-date information on a single topic. The courses highlight both the clinical and basic science of topics relevant to ADHD. These seminars provide ample time for questions and a discussion period at the conclusion of the presentations. Attendance is limited to allow participants greater opportunities for active participation. Therefore, it is recommendable to book the ticket together with the congress registration online or to check ticket availability on site at the registration counter. Tickets will be handled on a 'first-come, first-served' basis. Registration fee per session: EUR 60. Only valid in combination with the congress registration fee.

Grand Round

Duration: 90 min.
This is an interactive session moderated by a well-known expert, where a topic of interest relevant to ADHD is presented. The topic presented will represent a challenge of broad interest to the audience and aim to nurture discussions.

Guided Poster Tours

Duration: 90 min.
These highly interactive sessions give each delegate an opportunity to view their colleagues´ posters on the most current findings in the field of ADHD. Posters will be grouped by topics for the convenience of those attending the sessions. The posters will be displayed in the poster exhibition hall for the duration of one presentation day. The Guided Poster Tours are chaired by leaders in various fields of ADHD. During this session the first author will be present to explain the work and answer questions.

Hot Topic Symposia

Duration: 90 min.
These concurrent sessions provide comprehensive reviews of the most recent research findings in the field of ADHD as well as updated clinical and therapeutic information. Each symposium, presented by internationally recognized neuroscientists and mental health professionals, contains a theme of topical interest and is composed of three or four lectures. After the talks there will be short discussions.

Industry Sponsored Sessions

Duration: 60 - 90 min.
These sessions are organized by pharmaceutical companies in consultation with the Scientific Program Committee. These sessions are fully integrated into the congress, but are sessions entirely designed, produced and driven by the pharmaceutical industries by an unrestricted grant. They are open to all congress delegates.

Late Breaking News

Duration: 30 min.
During these sessions speakers discuss most recently published papers on ADHD, which they consider clinically most important and cutting-edge in their discipline. These sessions are a great way to get up-to-speed with the latest development in the field of ADHD.

Meet-the-Expert Sessions

Duration: 60 min.
Meet-the-Expert Sessions will allow participants to meet in small groups with outstanding researchers and clinicians in the field of ADHD. The format is designed to facilitate informal discussions, allowing participants to present their questions and gain new perspectives. The sessions are open to all participants but tickets are handled strictly on a 'first-come, first-served' basis. Registration fee per session: EUR 60. Only valid in combination with the congress registration fee.

Plenary Sessions

Duration: 90 or 120 min.
These sessions provide a broad overview of the latest clinical and basic science research findings and state-of-the-art information in the field of ADHD. Each session is composed of three to four 30-minute lectures presented by international well-known experts in the field of ADHD. After the talk there will be no discussion.


Duration: 90 min.
In this debate a current controversial issue in the field of ADHD is introduced and discussed. This session is designed to involve all attendees of the congress. One moderator and two discussants (pro and con) will raise interactive and lively debates.

Early Career Scientist Symposia

Duration: 90 min. 
This session offers young scientists the opportunity to present and discuss their work. Junior scientists are invited to submit abstracts. Submitted abstracts are reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee and eight are scheduled for the Early Career Scientists Symposia as oral presentations. Chaired by recognized experts in the featured topic, these interdisciplinary sessions are composed of 20-minute lectures, followed by short discussions.